Great Tips for Better Voice Over Recording

As an artist, you should always have a portfolio that can help you show your talent to others. If you are a painter, you should have a collection of your paintings; if you are a dancer, you should have a showreel; and if you are a voice-over artist, you should have a voice reel portfolio.

If you want to work with the leading producers, you should always have a strong voice over reel so that you can easily show others what you are capable of delivering. A reel also helps producers to get an idea of how well you can handle yourself in the studio and how professionally you can record. But before you get too excited and record your voice, we want you to remember a few things that can help you record in a better way. These steps will prevent you from making any mistakes when recording your demo tape. So, don’t skip any point.

· Put the right mic in the correct place: Before you start recording, you should put the right mic in the correct place. You must only use a microphone that makes your voice sound like you want it sound. When recording, try to keep the microphone 8-12 inches away from the mouth for better results.

· Use a mic stand: If you want to stand at the right distance from the microphone, use a good mic stand. Also, when you use a stand, you can eliminate the background noise of paper rustling.

· Have a drink close at hand: When you are recording, you will need something to stay hydrated. Hence, it is better you should keep water or juice close at hand so that you can easily get it when you want.

· Pre-read script: Before you start recording, you must pre-read the script and know the intentions behind the script.

For better results, you can visit Singing Demos. It is one of the best recording studios based in London, UK and is specialised in musical theatre vocal reels. The studio was started in 2011 by Mitch and since then Singing Demos has helped many people. To be precise, Mitch has recorded 700 voice over reels and so you can trust him. If you are interested, you can visit the website of Singing Demos and can select either the voice reel package or the vocal reel package based on your budget and interest. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry and contact Singing Demos now.

About Singing Demos:

Singing Demos is a trusted platform that you can contact for recording London vocal reels.

For more information, visit


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